Red Legs

Outfit Details:
Vintage dress from Salvation Army
Flannel shirt & bracelet from Target
Tights by Hue
Ring from the Bust Holiday Craftacular (I can't remember who made it)
Dilapidated silver shoes from Buffalo Exchange (RIP-the sole is falling off)

I wore this for our little get together Saturday night. It's finally cooling down enough to have people over to our place--it can get pretty intense in a 3rd floor apartment in the summer without proper a/c! Plenty of brandy, apple cider, and cheese was consumed so I consider the party a success. Oh, and a delicious citrusy beet salad. And these salted brown butter rice crispy treats from Smitten Kitchen. You're going to want to go ahead and make those now. I'm not kidding, they are AMAZING! We may or may not have had a heated discussion about social media and played the most pre-planned, set-out-the-rules-before-we-start-to-avoid-arguments-while-playing round of the hat game as well too.
We just got discount tickets to see the Mets vs Reds (Cincinnati, holla!) at Citi Field in about a week, inspiring this blog title. More on that later...